Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Presentation and Contact

The URV International URV/Repsol Chair Communication Excellence is the result of a collaboration agreement between the URV, through the Department of Communication Studies, and Repsol.

This Chair develops research activities, university education and dissemintation in the field of social communication, with a vocation to promote quality and ethical and aesthetic excellence.

By means of this new structure the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, with the generous support of Repsol, intends to create and spread knowledge about the behavior and evolution of the communicative macro-sector regarding their numerous interactions with the political, cultural and economic aspects of Tarragona's society and the Catalan one as a whole.

A knowledge that contributes to improve the ethical and aesthetic quality of the communicative practices in which we are immersed, regarding both the production and dissemination of contents (perspective of the cultural industries) as well as its use and appropiation by the citizenship (user perspective and public opinion).


The Chair's main mission is the generation and socialization of knowledge in the field of social communication from a perspective focused on professional excellence, of the contents and communication practices of advanced contemporary societies.


- Generate quality and socially relevant knowledge on Social Communication in its many forms and channels.

- Promote good communication practices by both, the media and journalists as well as the companies and institutions, as responsible social actors.

- Contribute to the high-level training of future professionals in journalism, audiovisual creation and corporative communication.

- Promote the international dissemintation of high-quality research on Social Communication generated at the URV.

Jordi Farré

Av. Catalunya, 35. 43002 Tarragona

977 558 530


URV-Repsol International Chair for Excellence in Communication